Thursday, July 24, 2008

Breaking Dawn

So this little post is to simply express how excited I am for Breaking Dawn! I'm going to be at girl's camp on Friday night, so unfortunately I will not be able to attend the Barnes and Noble party at midnight (so sad)! But as soon as I get home I can't wait to start reading! I really love this saga for many reasons.'s such a fun, creative fantasy. I think I love fantasy so much because it's exciting to read about a different world than the one we live in. I also marvel at people's creativity in creating these new worlds. SO FUN! It's also such a fantastic love story. Sigh. And with these books especially, it's just great to be reading something that so many people love and enjoy! I love that I can talk to people about Twilight in the beauty salon, at church, waiting for my tire to be repaired, at the park, at swimming lessons, etc., etc. The fact that other people are excited about these books, makes the adventure of reading them all the more enjoyable. I simply LOVE talking to others about what I read, and there's so many "others" with this series. Below is a visual example of what I'm talking about. This slide show is from a Twilight Party that a lady in our old ward put together. Talk about a FUN night. We played Twilight Jepordy, ate Twilight goodies, gave predictions on the meaning of the BD cover and the synopsis, and laughed our heads off. We also went home with a BD countdown chain, which I'm happy to say only has only 4 more chains left!!! It was great! Now some of you may say this seems a little obsessive, but to that I ask, what's life without the small pleasures that make us happy and get us excited? Alas, it would be dull and boring indeed! Enjoy the pics!


wind runner said... heart hurts! I wish I could be with you enjoying these BD countdown moments! We had an amazing Trek experience! Hope girls camp was great!

~Nikki said...

Is Wind Runner Ms. Stacey? :) That was a fun night - now, let's tawk about the book, shall we????