Life since November has been GREAT!!!! Christmas was truly magical. Nothing beats Christmas with your wee ones. It's better than I ever could have dreamed it would be. January found us aboard the Freedom of the Seas for a GLORIOUS week of laughter, family togetherness, alone time with my sweetie, incredible food, amazing ports and experiences, etc., etc. I really could go on and on about it, it was that fantastic!!!! Thanks Mom and Dad!!!! And then we have February. February has just been. I truly think it's the worst month of the year. But we did have a SUPER candlelit dinner with the wee ones on Valentine's Day! Tradition!!!! So there's our recap of the last three months!
The next few months hold some fun and exciting things for us. In March, Paul and I celebrate 9 years together!!!! My how time flies! Also, Spencer will be performing in his school play. April finds us seeing Wicked (again!), vacationing at the Happiest Place on Earth with our dearest friends, and Paul and I are going to the Dominican Republic for a ChiroMission. If you're interested in what this is, visit We're really looking forward to this and think it'll be a fantastic experience!!!!!
My random thought for today comes about because of the chiromission (in a round about way). Due to a miscommunication, Paul and I are paying a lot more for our airfare to DR than we had previously thought. What a surprise when the AMEX bill came!!!! After a long converstation with Delta, we learned we could do nothing about it, except share some choice words via the old fashioned way of pen and paper and the good ol' mailing system! It has always been my way to PANIC over financial hiccups. But today was a little different. Maybe I'm getting better! On V-day we watched Kung Fu Panda with our kiddos. I've seen it before, but the line, "There are no accidents [in life]" stood out to me this time around. And that's how I'm looking at this hiccup. With all the time and effort we made into searching out flights to DR and trying to find the best rate, etc., then to have this miscommunication happen, part of me feels like this is no accident. Maybe we're suppose to be on this flight. Maybe X amount of dollars is nothing compared to the experiences we're going have in DR. Maybe it's a learning experience. I don't know. But if I really believe that there are no accidents in life, then the little hiccups that we experience aren't such a big deal--in fact, there's reason and purpose to them. This little line delivered by a wise, old turtle brought peace and comfort to me today, and I'm okay with how things turned out. For those who truly know me, you know this is out of character for me. So I see it as a little accomplishment in my life!!!! There's so much fear in general right now. So many people are suffering from the failing economy and so many have lost hope. But I hope that, come what may, I can remember that there is purpose and reason for what happens in our lives. Then I can continue without fear and with hope.
So there you have it...a recap, a "what's coming up", and a random thought! I'll leave you now with a few pics since that's what people really visit this blog for!
Thanks "Witch"! I needed this today.
I love that line from Kung Fu Panda- I also love the line- Yesterday is history- tomorrow's a mystery- today is a gift- that's why it's called the present-
what a smart turtle!
And I am proud of you- for posting on your blog finally! Only a few weeks to go! Yipppeeeee!!!
Too Cute!!!
I heard a therapist at a RS function once give this advice - "When something 'bad' happens, categorize it as one of the following three: an inconvenience, a major inconvenience, or a trajedy. If something is really a trajedy, then you can respond to it that way. But if it's just an inconvenience or major inconvenience, then respond appropriately." It's really helped me sometimes to realize that although I want to respond to something like a trajedy, it really is just a major inconvenience. All the important stuff is still in tact. That said, you handle things like this SO WELL, so much better than I could! I admire and should emulate your positive attitude!
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